Proposal- How Media Changes the Communication in My Family


“Medium is the Message” by M. Mcluhan. Media has been occurred in our daily life for so long. It shapes how people living in every generation. Back in the 60s, people may like to use phone call  as their main medium to communicate and connect with each other, media helps people to shape and better their life. However, in 2018, different types of new media pops up in our life, how do they react to the new media? Will they still remain to use the old medium. I think it will be interesting to found out the result. Thus, I will have these remain sub-questions to guide my project direction:

  1. How do my parents communicate in the past ?
  2. How do I and they communicate now ?
  3. After the changes of media, which generations of media will I and they prefer to use?


In order to collect data to support my project, I would collect two type of data. For the first part, I will collect data from primary research. By observing my parents’ social media and the medium that they communicate to me , I will take picture as a record of the medium that they are using. Also, I will record a video which i interview my parents and asking about how they communicate in the past and now , and compared between these two , which medium they would prefer. Thus, I would have the structure of my project content.

And then, for the secondary research, I will do online research and collect different relevant article, journal and scholar data to analysis the result from the interview and the observation. Currently, I  found a journal named ” Media, Gender and Identity” D.Gauntlett

"It seems obvious and inevitable, then, that we will be affected by these
experiences somehow. The media shows us situations and relationships
from other people’s points of view – indeed, it is part of the eternal fascination
of drama that we can see ‘how the world works’ in lives other than our
own. This could hardly fail to affect our own way of conducting ourselves,
and our expectations of other people’s behaviour" D.Gauntlett 2008

It matches what our expected is. Also, in the journal , it contains further impact of media and gender identity which can also richer my project content.

In addition, I will present my project as a website. Since I have a big passion to be a blogger, I love creating my own website, it can represent myself, at the same time, i think it is really interesting to work with. After I finish this project, I will also send this product website to my employer company which may enhance my interview result. But back to the medium, Website. It can contain various of media which benefits me to present my project result freely and interestingly.


I have an expected project result in my mind. I think my parents would prefer the older media medium more than the latest medium. Because my parents are from the generation X. In their generation, their knowledge level of technology is lower. They don’t have a certain knowledge to technology as technology at that time wasn’t that popular. Thus I think they will prefer the traditional medium.


In my opinion,  as a Generation Y resident. I think we can’t live without internet and media space anymore. Media does gives us a lot easy life, however, the addiction is too serious. Some of the people may anti-social in real life and social in the cyber space. Sometimes, I would appreciate how Generation X people live in the past. They were living in the most original way, it makes me feel the real skin connection with people and nature.



1. Media, gender and identity: An introduction

D Gauntlett – 2008 –



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